Seeking for some dry ones in oliana
Hong junior and Mr. Hong playing tic tac toe while we were sitting in a car and waiting rain to stop.
It's been raining for days and I don't even remember the last time I've touched my route or even a rock! :D This has gave us a change to gain some power and maintain our fitness by climbing indoors. Here's no really gyms around so we've had to be creative too.
When we first arrived here a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't sure what to try. I still had some classics left but after doing 'Pati Noso' in Siurana I felt like pushing myself a little more and trying something harder.
Everything was pretty much wet so I decided to jump on "American Hustle, 8c" which was one of the routes I haven't done yet. It was quite an interesting process because I wasn't sure if I loved to route or not! :D Usually I fall in love with the routes I try which makes projecting more fun, interesting, motivating and therefore easier. I actually liked this new challenge which taught me more about myself as a climber and projecting. The route was actually pretty sick!!! And it felt quite hard for me too!
After the Hustle I wasn't sure what to try next... One of the main reasons to be in Oliana was to support my boyfriend Matty on his project "Fight or Flight, 9b" and try some routes there I haven't done yet. One of my goals for this year was to try my first 9a but the grades in Oliana jumps quite fast from 8c to 9a+ (and 9a+ didn't quite sound realistic for me at this moment... but hey... you never know!!! :)) So one option was to jump on "Joe Cita, 9a".
I've already done the "Joe Blau, 8c+" version so I didn't feel like going for this one because the Joe Cita just had a different exit. One day the Joe Cita exit was one of the only dry lines so I just went up and scoop it out. That exit actually added a lot new climbing and the end was SO COOL!!! Joe Blau has also been also one of my favorite routes of all time so I didn't mind on cruising on that one again 😍.
More about Joe Cita on my next post 🌷❤️
Reaching to the start of the crux on 'American Hustle', 8c. Picture by Matty Hong
Trying the Joe Cita, 9a exit for a first time and FELT IN LOVE!!!!!!